在過去的幾年裡,我們夏令營的目的是幫助孩子們從各種不同的角度學習尊重和愛護自然。我們仍有這些非常有趣好玩的手工藝、藝術、快樂小農夫、食物勇士(以前稱為綠色廚師)和動物照顧的自然課程,也非常著重在 Hands-on 的教學模式。但今年,我們延長了夏令營的時間得以增加其他課程,例如通過音樂、 背書、 書法和英文日記寫作學習中英語言。我們還包括了更多的體育活動,例如 K-pop 舞蹈。今年特別強調的是我們會實行 SEE Learning 課程(社交、情感和道德學習)。這些課程和活動將包括在小組中以有趣和安全的方式增強注意力、更敏銳的覺查對自我和他人的意識、培養同情心和道德辨別力的培訓。我們在暑期營中增添了舞蹈和促進反思的課程,期盼能促進學生的身心健康,並且不僅培養他們的智力,也同時培養對他人和環境的愛心。
日期: 6/6/2022 ~ 7/29/2022
地點: 2126 Desire Ave, Rowland Heights, CA 91748
年齡: 7-11; Grade 年級 2-6
夏令營語言: Hybrid – English and Chinese 英文和中文
報名截止日期: 5/16
我們會在報名48 小時內通知您報名結果及寄出 invoice 給您. 報名如果額滿,會直接進入 waiting list.
- 報名費: $50 含材料費。
- 營隊費用: $300/week- 必須註冊連續 2 週或更長時間。
- 午餐:請自備午餐。 若您希望我們提供午餐,我們將請 HCM 提供素食午餐,需增加 $30/週。
- 一次報名八週優惠減免 $100
- 一次報兩位, 第二位學費減免 $50
- 早鳥優惠 4/23 前完成報名減免 5% 營隊費用。於世界地球日活動當天報名,再優惠減免 10% 營隊費用喔!
- 課前及課後照顧 (8:00am-9:00am, 4:00-5:30pm) 每週 $50, discount not applicable.
富有同情心的課堂 – 每個星期一的簽到是一週課程的開始,大家聚在一起透由對話和活動學習友善及同情心。孩子們會學習如何正確的溝通、互相傾聽討論並達成共識。這堂課讓孩子了解對於接下來一週的課程,應保有怎樣的態度及如何與同儕互動相處,透過“友善牆”實際地練習如何友善對待他人。

Rosa received a B.S.in Mathematics Applied Sciences & Economics, UCLA, 1992, a M.S.in Nutritional Sciences, Cal State Los Angeles, 2001, and has been a Registered Dietitian since 2001. She feels passionate about nature education for the next generation and restoring the relationship between man and nature.
社交技巧和團隊的凝聚力 – 我們平常不太在意這個,但一起玩遊戲意味著社交互動。透過遊戲幫助孩子提高自我意識和他人意識、自我調節、解決衝突、培養積極的關係、做出積極的決定並培養同理心和同情心。遊戲呈現寶貴的教學時刻,除了玩得開心之外,最後的互相討論使學習體驗更深入。

Jill is the program director assistant at Little Parrot Farm. She has assisted many teachers in the past summer programs including arts, crafts, food warrior and junior farmer classes. She is great with kids. Children love to be around Teacher Jill. We think of her as our homeroom mom!

Franz and Krissy are a caring and positive couple who worked with young children for 20 years and ran a successful afterschool tutoring program in Taiwan. Franz graduated from Eastern Michigan University and Krissy got her college degree in Taiwan. They look forward to joining the Little Parrot Farm’s summer teachers to have fun with the children!

Franz and Krissy are a caring and positive couple who worked with young children for 20 years and ran a successful afterschool tutoring program in Taiwan. Franz graduated from Eastern Michigan University and Krissy got her college degree in Taiwan. They look forward to joining the Little Parrot Farm’s summer teachers to have fun with the children!

Heather graduated from UC Berkeley in 2016, majored in Interdisciplinary Studies with emphasis in Public Health, Education and Food Policy. She has a passion in food education and urban agriculture, and believes that nature is the best classroom for kids to learn, at a young age, to become better steward of our planet.
Rachel 老師的美術課一直都是豐富多彩、有趣、自由,和很多表達樂趣!今年,Rachel 為我們帶來 World Tour 藝術課!將世界旅行、自然主題與藝術實驗相結合,以發展自我表達。去土耳其畫他們的鬱金香節、哥斯大黎加的異國動物、阿爾巴尼亞的海洋色彩、摩洛哥的沙漠和綠洲、阿姆斯特丹的梵谷風格景觀、印度尼西亞的皮影戲等等!
* 如何使用基本藝術材料(蠟筆、油畫棒、彩色鉛筆和紙拼貼)製作視覺效果
* 發展視覺思維技能:觀察和解釋
* 以創造性思維和表達方式發展自己的風格

Rachel 在加利福尼亞藝術學院攻讀了MFA課程,及擁有芝加哥藝術學院的學士學位。當代藝術家 Rachel Rong 老師創立了獨特的藝術教育理念,將主動研究、藝術實驗和自我表達的精神與兒童的認知發展過程結合,建立人們與藝術的親密關係,提高人們的審美能力和圖像溝通技巧。她相信,藝術和吃飯一樣,應該是伴隨每個人一生的不可缺少的部分。Rachel 希望帶給大家的藝術饗宴是世界性的、多元的、先進的審美觀,以及有獨特的創作魅力!
Cherry 擁有芭蕾舞、K-Pop、Hip-Hop 和中國傳統舞蹈的背景。過去幾年,她經常教導K-Pop,非常受小朋友們的歡迎!如果孩子們在營隊待上幾星期,就能夠將所學到的特色,與父母分享。孩子們一定會喜歡K-pop舞蹈樂趣和Cherry熱情專業的指導!

Cherry 是位有多年教導孩童舞蹈經驗的專業舞者。畢業於 Citrus College, 主修Dance AA,並獲得 Commercial dance 證書. 教舞經驗豐富:
2017 韓國K-pop 舞團擔任舞蹈編排以及指導
2018-2020 M.A.D. dance studio 擔任K-pop 老師
2021 Star Factory 舞蹈指導 編舞 小孩培訓

Grace graduated with a degree in Marketing from California State University, Los Angeles. She is a business owner who makes semi-precious stone jewelries. Grace has had experiences teaching children in afterschool programs previously. She has a unique and creative way of teaching young children. You can’t help but to pay attention to her. Her vibrant personality and a heart with compassion leads her to work with high school students in a nonprofit that provides food for the homeless. She is exicited to join Little Parrot Farm this year to teach Chinese in a non-traditional style.

Mandy received a B.S.in Molecular biology, UCSD,1998, a Ph.D in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UCD, 2010, and has been a lecturer at Cal State LA since 2016. She enjoys working and teaching with plants and animals.
- 如何應對和正確處理農場動物,提高敏感性。
- “如何友善對待他人”,從基本的照顧寵物到了解牠們的所需(水或食物,休息等等)。
- 每週照顧不同的農場動物:豬,母雞,山羊,鴨,兔子,貓,烏龜,羊駝。
小朋友會發現每個品種的獨特之處,同時了解動物們的性格,例如“Sassy Sammy”鴨子或“Gentle Andy”羊駝。透由分組,培養小朋友的團隊合作能力,並在指定任務下學習責任感。

Rosa received a B.S.in Mathematics Applied Sciences & Economics, UCLA, 1992, a M.S.in Nutritional Sciences, Cal State Los Angeles, 2001, and has been a Registered Dietitian since 2001. She feels passionate about nature education for the next generation and restoring the relationship between man and nature.
“社會、情感和道德 (SEE) 學習是Emory 大學開發的創新 K-12 教育計劃。SEE Learning™ 代表了最先進的教育,包括:
“Social, Emotional, and Ethical (SEE) Learning is an innovative K-12 education program developed by Emory University.
SEE Learning™ provides educators with the tools they need to foster the development of emotional, social, and ethical intelligence for students and themselves.
SEE Learning™ represents the state of the art in education by enhancing SEL programming with key additional components, including:
attention training
compassion and ethical discernment
systems thinking
resilience and trauma-informed practice”

Dabby has always been enthusiastic in learning and helping others. After a long period of volunteering for nonprofits, she founded Beauty of Sharing in 2012. It is a nonprofit organization that promotes environmental education at an early age. http://beautyofsharing.org/
Beginning in 2015, she began an experimental environmental education program for five grade levels with C.J. Morris school of the Walnut Unified Valley School District. Little Parrot Farm joined hands with the nonprofit last year to take a portion of this project to the district level to include all 9 schools in the district. We are so happy that Dabby will be joining us to implement a new area of our summer program, the Social, Emotional, Ethical (SEE) Learning curriculum from Emory College.
Refund policy 退費條款
5/9 前告知,退 100% 費用
5/9 – 6/5 告知,退 75% 費用
6/6 營隊開始後告知,退 50% 費用
** 所有退款必須扣除 $100 手續費**
如有問題: info@littleparrotfarm.org 626-986-4551 或 聯絡 Rosa 714-928-9310